Memories from Sarah Maidlow

Created by Ben 5 years ago
I knew Mervyn as a colleague, not least because we both taught music in Oxon for many years. However, his ability and enthusiasm came home to me when he started working at Brookes University: because the innovative approach he took at his own school. He was able to recommend and set up all the music technology on the new secondary music PGCE. Yet went on to make sure all the students were both comfortable with both the practice and principles of the work. At the same time it was still quite controversial so that his confidence and experience were critical in carrying a sound foundation for our future teachers. Now to H. E. myself - I was very glad of his company, personally and professionally - we were lucky to have him. Because of various changes, Mervyn and I rarely met up after the first decade of the course, unfortunately after which I went to Australia. On my return, a few years ago, it was just by chance that we made contact again and remained in touch occasionally. Nevertheless, I remember him with great affection and respect.